Author Topic: Circuit Playground 1.1 (iOS)  (Read 772 times)

Offline GigaWatt

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Circuit Playground 1.1 (iOS)
« Opened on 04.11.2012, Sunday, 20:58:21 (Edited 04.11.2012, Sunday, 21:36:47) »
Еве, најдов една интересна апликација за Android, ама не знам како се инсталира и дали е бесплатна, така да, ај оние кои имаат smart phones нека пишат подетални информации околу оваа апликација, како се инсталира, дали е бесплатна или не и некои други информации ;).

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It's not schizophrenia... It's just a voice in my head...

"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

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Одг: Circuit Playground 1.1 (Android OS)
« Reply #1 on 04.11.2012, Sunday, 21:25:27 »
Не е бесплатна, кошта 2,99$, ама ова е за iOS, не е за андроид, така да кој има ајфон  може да ја проба... ;)
People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

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If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline GigaWatt

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Одг: Circuit Playground 1.1 (iOS)
« Reply #2 on 04.11.2012, Sunday, 21:37:12 »
Моја грешка, го сменив насловот на темата, случајно некој да не се збуни ;).
It's not schizophrenia... It's just a voice in my head...

"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."