Author Topic: A Peek At Computer Electronics: Things You Should Know (by Caleb Tennis)  (Read 641 times)

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A Peek At Computer Electronics: Things You Should Know (by Caleb Tennis)
« Opened on 04.01.2013, Friday, 16:15:47 (Edited 14.05.2019, Tuesday, 04:45:03) »
A Peek At Computer Electronics: Things You Should Know (by Caleb Tennis)

Are you a programmer or computer enthusiast? Do you feel comfortable with methods, functions, and variables? Do you wish you knew more about how the computer made it all work? Now you can. From basic electronics to advanced computer hardware, you’ll learn the magic behind the gear that makes it all run.

If you’re into tinkering, or ever thought about it, this book explains the basics of how it all works.

A lot of people are into making their own technology these days, from 3D printers to home-made robots, Digital Video Records (DVRs), Media Centers, and more. But it you’re a computer programmer you might not know the ins and outs of the hardware side of these projects.

Caleb Tennis explains it all. From a quick look at basic physics (including fun with magnets) to electronic circuits, power supplies, and networking, you’ll see how it all works—and how to make it work for you.

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It's not schizophrenia... It's just a voice in my head...

"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."