Author Topic: Изработувам печатени плочки (ППК)  (Read 39401 times)

Offline LordZi

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Одг: Изработувам печатени плочки (ППК)
« Reply #45 on 14.03.2017, Tuesday, 13:06:26 (Edited 03.03.2018, Saturday, 18:49:43) »
Уште модулчиња за синтисајзер - неколку noise generator- и, VCF и VCLFO со микроконтролер... :D

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline nsu

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Леле Lordzi спие а што е ова поточно пошто еве сега нешто работам со една радиостаница ја сервисирам па ние имаме НКО VCO напонски контролиран тука осцилатор. Еве на една yaesu сега гледам VCO влезот кај осцилаторот нечини. Ова колку што можев да видам на интернет е нешто ниско фреквентен засилувач само исто контролиран напонски. Или поточно Lordzi кај ќе ги вградуваш овие VCF и VCLFO. Нешто за регулација во НФ делот ли е
Кога си на дното во животот ќе дознаеш колку малку пријатели имаш

Offline LordZi

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Сите модули се одбрани и нарачани од муштеријата и се наменети за аналоген модуларен синтисајзер, повеќето веќе се поврзани и се користат, еве како изгледа се тоа заедно...

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline nsu

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Оо цел синтисајзер аналоген сум видел да имам пријатели во НФ делот полно како си го скоцкал спие инаку незнаев што под сегменти има внатре сега истражив што се VCF и VCLFO
Кога си на дното во животот ќе дознаеш колку малку пријатели имаш

Offline LordZi

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Одг: Изработувам печатени плочки (ППК)
« Reply #49 on 05.04.2017, Wednesday, 15:23:39 (Edited 03.03.2018, Saturday, 18:50:15) »
Малце пауза од модули за синтисајзер... ;)

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline LordZi

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Re: Изработувам печатени плочки (ППК)
« Reply #50 on 03.03.2018, Saturday, 14:43:27 (Edited 30.04.2018, Monday, 15:44:14) »
Да не речете дека ништо не сум работел изминатиот период... ;) :D

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline LordZi

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Уште модули за синтисајзер... Интересни ми станаа овие модулчиња, особено кога ќе се поврзат во целина... :)

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline GigaWatt

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Што да кажам... гледам и завидувам :P... перфекционист си, нема што ;).
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

Offline LordZi

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Re: Изработувам печатени плочки (ППК)
« Reply #53 on 13.06.2018, Wednesday, 12:49:33 (Edited 13.06.2018, Wednesday, 13:15:14) »
Уште неколку модулчиња за синтисајзер плус нешто ситно... ;)

Пред бушење...
People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline LordZi

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И повторно нови модули за синтисајзер плус други ситници... ;)

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline LordZi

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За годинава толку... :)

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline LordZi

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Во меѓувреме... ;)

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline LordZi

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Почна работно годината ;)

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

LightCraft Studio

Offline LordZi

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Карантински занимации... :P

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

LightCraft Studio

Offline LordZi

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Нешто ситно...

People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

LightCraft Studio