1- Power on phone ,, type : *#7465625#you will identify wich code is active , wich is inactive2- Remove battery ,Put your sim card , not all of it , just toprepare it to be full inserted , put your battery back and power onphone , you must see " insert sim" not "invalid sim.."3- type : *2767*3855#your phone should restart now , and before it restart , push your sim card ,without removing battery4- your phone should work and accept the sim card ,but if you checklocks you will find that your phone is still Locked
THIS CODE WILL UNLOCK ALL OF THE NEW MODEL SAMSUNG PHONES EXCEPT SMART PHONES. (X495-AND UP) I TESTED IT OUT LAST NIGHT ON MY T509(PASSED),T809(PASSED)*7465625*638*00000000*00000000#NEXT ENTER#7465625*638*00000000#AND THEN *#7465625# to check the locks....all locks are inactive...these are all the lock - inactivesubset lock - inactivesp lock - inactivecp lock - inactivesim lock - inactiveactiva lock - inactivephone lock - inactiveauto network - inactiveauto subset lock - inactiveauto sp lock - inactiveauto cp lock - inactiveauto sim lock - inactive