Author Topic: Смешни и интересни цитати  (Read 79486 times)

Offline LordZi

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #60 on 22.03.2012, Thursday, 23:12:40 »
Ахахаха, за ќотек сте, што му правите на човекот... ;D
People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #61 on 22.03.2012, Thursday, 23:18:19 (Edited 23.03.2012, Friday, 00:09:02) »
се уклучувам на фб гледам интернет немам   ;D
ја еб.. ја еб.. и пред да и го ставам... татко и влегува  ;D
што врска има фб то со односите.. од кај излезе таја што ја ... кога си има што да работиш, шо бараше на фб.. не ми е јасно ништо од муабетов мене... :S
еее батка, не убо сте му прајле на менот, него има некој предпоставка што мојт да  е далаверана?  со кабелот...

Споено мислење: 23.03.2012, Friday, 00:09:02
aa и како ја еб*** со "неставен"?
 море ја една некни ко гу грабнал, ја е еб** таа ми го пуш**

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #62 on 23.03.2012, Friday, 09:58:38 »
Батка,абе пишувај разбирливо и македонски правописно.Вака не знам дали некопј нешто те разбра!!! Дај среди го постот!!

Offline bicikle

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #63 on 23.03.2012, Friday, 13:42:22 »
ај на кратко, прајме со еден другар муабет, демек како скопје наоѓаш нешто
тој ми вели аууу, глава не можам да кренам, има моногу е некни што сум грабнал една, јас ја е*аам, таа ми го пуш*  ;D

Offline GigaWatt

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #64 on 23.04.2012, Monday, 00:35:35 »
Смешни ;D (но во исто време и трагични) практични процедури кои многу производители на електрични уреди во денешно време активно ги применуваат ::).

1.   Place metal shields around the power supplies without holes for air circulation. This will ensure power supply capacitors will dry out and make the power supply fail prematurely. And make sure not to use high temperature capacitors. Keeping the electros hot makes the ESR lower so cheaper ones will do.

2.   Push as many capacitors as possible into the sides of heatsinks, power transistors, regulators, and power resistors - anything hot!

3.   Do not bother with putting thermal conducting paste between heat sink and transistor. It only oozes and dries out anyhow.

4.   Do not bother to solder the heavy components or joints subject to thermal cycling. Touch up selected connections by hand? You have to be joking.

5.   The following components can be left out during manufacture: protection zener diodes, VDR's, spark gaps, decoupling capacitors, ferrite beads etc. If it works most of the time without them, the expense can't be justified.

6.   Keep all factory tests as short as possible. If there isn't a dirt cheap solution to any problems found, don't test for them.

7.   Buy the cheapest components from manufacturers who cannot guarantee the longevity of their product. It is easy to have a CRT fail within three years by using impure materials. This will make the cathodes oxide and reduce the emissions giving a dull, hard to read picture. The customer won't realize their TV or monitor has deteriorated but will see newer models with bright vibrant colors and just have to buy one.

8.   Fit the so-called head cleaning device to VCR's. This will ensure numerous service calls increasing the customer frustration which will lead them to buy a new product. There is one born every minute.

9.   Dispense with EMI/RFI components in the power supplies. As well as producing unacceptable interference, this will also mean that the power supply is more prone to damage from voltage spikes. These problems are by definition the responsibility of the customer anyhow so the result will only be a positive effect on the bottom line.

10.   Use the softer plastics rather than the more wear resistant phenolic for kettles and toasters. This will guarantee the consumer will purchase a new product to replace the shabby appliance.

11.   Make the covers of heat generating appliances out of painted instead of chrome-plated sheet metal. The paint will darken unevenly with use resulting in an old looking appliance in need or replacement.

12.   Do not use spot welding on your heating elements. Spot welding makes a reliable connection. Crimped connections will fail within a short period. This is good (for the manufacturer) since spare parts are not available. The consumer will have to buy a new product and have been conditioned to not expect appliances to be repairable. People like to buy new things anyhow.

13.   Install an Appliance Leakage Circuit Interrupter (ALCI) on the cord of the appliance. This is a one time use GFCI (or what I call a GFCK - Ground Fault Circuit Killer). When constructed with suitably cheap parts, it, rather than the appliance will fail but the customer will be informed that they must have gotten the appliance wet.

14.   Use the cheaper carbon film resistors instead of the more reliable metal film resistor with better voltage ratings. What the customers can't see won't bother them.

15.   Fasten heavy (or just random) parts to the PCB with that white/beige glue that decays after awhile to brown and conductive causing all sorts of nasty problems.

16.   Use a design style which will rapidly look dated. This is another ploy in order to have the consumer purchase the latest style regardless of whether the item is working or not. People are slaves to fashion - and they love slaves.

17.   Reduce the number of service agencies and the number of products the service agencies will repair for you. This will increase the sale of new products by frustrating the consumers efforts in order to have their item repaired.

18.   Fit fast blow fuses inside sealed double insulated appliances that will fail from metal fatigue. (Why did they do this??? - it was sealed with heatshrink onto one of the wires?!).

19.   Manufacture equipment as a collection of modules - example. Optics train in certain models of projectors - instead of replacing just a hot mirror ($15 or so) you have to replace the lot! (All optics and LCD screen etc as a module) Now, try getting the poor serviceman to explain why the projector that cost the customer $5,000 costs $3,000 to fix.

20.   Encourage consumers to purchase the cheapest items so when someone does make a good product, no one will buy it, and the company will go out of business.

21.   Make your spare parts very expensive or do not bother with having spare parts available.

22.   When the prototype has been built and working correctly, start removing components until it fails to work properly. Then manufacture it with the minimum parts required to make it work. In mid production run, change selected over designed components to their border line equivalents.

23.   If a government regulating agency forces a major recall due to a severe fire hazard, close the current brand name, and start a new brand with a redesigned outside shell that emulates an ergonomic look but with the same internals as before. Add words like "New, Improved, Upgraded, and Leading Edge" to the new marketing slogan.

24.   Don't make service manuals or circuit diagrams available. If you do, ensure that only your service agents get one, or price them so highly that the job becomes uneconomical. Think of it this way: Instead of buying the equipment which was the usual way of doing business in the past, the purchase price is now actually only a rental fee for the duration of the warranty. After that, the manufacturer may let the smoke out at any time without notice and thus there is no reason to support repairs. :)

25.   Don't identify yourself as the manufacturer. Hide behind your OEM resellers who of course will have no facilities to repair anything except by total replacement.

26.   Scrape the numbers off your IC's, or have them stamped with obscure in-house part numbers. You don't want to make repairs too easy for the end user or for a third party repairer who would otherwise be able to source these $1 garden variety parts from any electronics store.

27.   Don't stock parts that could reasonably be expected to fail or wear out like battery contacts, flex PCBs, remote control keypads, curly cords. If you must supply them, then do so as part of a complete, uneconomically priced assembly.

28.   Use flimsy non-standard (and hence unavailable) connectors for attaching expensive proprietary AC adaptors, chargers, and accessories.

29.   Use expensive sealed units which cannot be opened for service without being damaged, and which are powered by an inexpensive internal battery.

30.   Have a single solid wire between circuit boards and anything that moves, e.g. sockets at the back of VCRs, or almost any part of a remote control, especially the battery connection. This means that the soldered connection will give up.

31.   Have flimsy hinged flaps on a remote control that break after a short time.

32.   On a remote control, have rows and rows of identical buttons that have functions that are almost never needed. Also omit functions that would be very handy.

33.   Make sure the coax to the tuner of the VCR or TV has no proper mechanical anchorage to the chassis so it takes little more than the house cat to trip on the cable and yank the active innards from the tuner.

34.   Make sure all large metal components (particularly the audio in/out sockets at the rear of amplifiers) are only soldered to the same degree as the flimsy IC pins - just soldered sufficiently to pass the production final test.

35.   Don't use fiber reinforced plastic gears if you can use plain plastic types.

36.   Never use keys to lock shafts to plastic pulleys.

37.   Always use etched copper film thin ribbon board interconnects wherever there is maximum flexing such as in laptop screen hinges.

38.   Never make rubber drive belts accessible by just removal of the back plate.

39.   Use as many non-standard components as possible.

40.   Don't use 2 boards if you can mount components on both sides of one board.

41.   Always use the smallest possible wattage for a resistor: if the dissipation is 2 watts, then use a 2 watt resistor.

42.   Take advantage of exciting new legislation in creative ways to make it illegal for others to make compatible user-replacable parts. No more third party batteries, inkjet cartridges, etc.

43.   Add useless complexity to accessories like batteries and inkjet cartridges to make it more difficult for third parties to manufacture replacements. Include warnings about the risks of using third party accessories.

44.   Shorten product introduction cycles so that by the time the end-user requires a repair to the item, it's already obsolete.

45.   Set the cost of the repair to greatly exceed the cost of a new model of the same type of equipment, which, you just happen (surprise surprise) to have in stock and for sale.

46.   Secure battery compartment covers, cassette tape doors, and other access openings with brittle plastic tits that readily bust off when even looked at askance, much less flexed in normal operation. Carefully place these delicate plastic projections so that, when broken, they thereafter render the entire product unusable. Be sure they emanate from the main cover or chassis of the unit, rendering it infeasible to replace--in case anyone does try to replace it, price the main cover just under the retail price of a whole new product. Also be certain to design these tits thin and brittle enough to bust off after the first or second use, and from a type of plastic that is incompatible with all available plastic cements, in case anyone tries to repair them.
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

Offline batka

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #65 on 23.04.2012, Monday, 16:55:02 »
Немам оригинал кај себе моментално,ама на еден бојлер од домашно производство стои вака:

* Откога ке го поврзете бојлерот на електричната инсталација и  водоводната мрежа,ве молиме веднаш да не го употребувате,туку прво пуштете да се загрее водата .При тоа контролирајте со фазометар да не има појавено фаза на самото кукиште на бојлерот,при што фазометарот ке свети.*

Дали ви се верува ова??  :D :D :D :D

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #66 on 23.04.2012, Monday, 17:04:05 »
така да означуваа на сите бојлери тоа ќе беше многу добра работа, да не мора да не фаќа струја при секое поставување :)
Jас не сум себичен, помагам. Помагај и ти !

Секоја куќа си има свои куќни правила.Почитувај ги куќните правила!

Offline batka

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #67 on 23.04.2012, Monday, 18:59:07 »
Јас им предложив да стават и слика на плавуша како се тушира,за да се подобри продажбата! Ама газдата вели-абе ке побараат со секој бојлер и плавуша за туширање! ;D ;D ;D

Offline LordZi

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #68 on 23.04.2012, Monday, 20:04:09 »
Ова е за бојлерите на Леов, гарант... ;) ;D
People who talk behind my back are in good position to kiss my ass!!!

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Tesla

If animals had a religion, humans would be the devil.

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Offline batka

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #69 on 23.04.2012, Monday, 21:28:37 »
Не смееме реклами да правиме,како да сме К-15.Остави сега.. 8)

Offline GigaWatt

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #70 on 08.05.2012, Tuesday, 18:42:14 »
Најсмешна дефиниција за осцилоскоп што ја имам чуено ;D ;D ;D?

- Дефиниција за осцилоскоп?
- Имаш Winamp без да имаш Winamp.

;D ;D ;D
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #71 on 08.05.2012, Tuesday, 21:21:31 »
ааааааахахахахаха па и во право е тој што го рекол тоа...
Теоријата е ,кога се знае се,а ништо не функционира.Праксата е кога се функционира ,а не се знае зошто.Ние во Македонија успешно ја спојуваме теоријата и праксата ,при што ништо не функционира и никој не знае зошто!!!
(позајмено од batka)

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #72 on 09.05.2012, Wednesday, 00:05:22 (Edited 09.05.2012, Wednesday, 00:25:28) »
Прашање: Дефинирај ламба??
Одговор: Дефиниција нема !
Зошто: За да се одговори на ова прашање треба да се знае:
-дали човекот е од село/град - има гасиени,плински ,електрични ламби
-дали човекот е наставник,професор,поп, - само тие читаат на секаков вид ламби
-дали човекот е стар/млад - старите се сретнале во животот со радија и ТВ со ламби,а младите најчесто -не!
-дали човекот е по струка млекар,пекар,апотекар или струјаџија - струјаџија е оној кој бар еднаш во животот променил
 прегорена сијалица.
Пред да дефинираш ламба,покушај да дефинираш прегорена ламба.Е ,ако успееш тогаш полесно ке дефинираш и поим - ламба.
Ламба е она што ти светнува пред очи барем еднаш во животот!!!Ламбата го чини човека - лампаш!
Ако имаш две ламби,дај му една на некој што нема - за да го отепа струја!
( превземено од еден дамнешен ЕЛФАСКО)

Споено мислење: 09.05.2012, Wednesday, 00:25:28

Дали вие имате грип? Не ,ние продаваме банани !
-Ајде луге,тргнете се да го внесеме  повредениот од сообраќајка! Не може.има ли бројче??
-Какво овошје е сувата слива? Скапано овошје!
-Деца ,за утре секој да донесе некој алат од дома,нека ви дадат родителите.Ти Мите не ја кради пак  бормашината од татко ти!
- Деца,дојде пролет,тревата е зелена ,расцветале дрвјата... кој пее на дрвјата!?? Или е Дорс или Квин,наставничке!!
-Кој последен вчера излезе од училницава?? Тоа е мистерија наставничке!!!
-Дали сте се запрашале што се прават вашите родители за вие да имате скапи мобилни? Да,наставничке ,сме се запрашале,ама одговор не сме добиле.

Offline GigaWatt

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #73 on 09.05.2012, Wednesday, 01:11:22 »
-Какво овошје е сувата слива? Скапано овошје!

Хахахахахахаахахахахах ;D ;D ;D... е на ова цркнав... хахахахахахахахахаха ;D ;D ;D.
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

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Re: Смешни и интересни цитати
« Reply #74 on 21.06.2012, Thursday, 12:26:48 (Edited 21.06.2012, Thursday, 12:29:35) »
Денеска прочитав нешто, ;D ;D ;D, како слатко сум се изнасмеал ;D. Малку вовед прво, не знам кој колку знае и колку се шета по warez сајтови, но Русиве краковите ги викаат „таблетки“, хахахахахах ;D ;D ;D. Не знам зошто, изгледа за да се скријат од Google bot-от дека станува збор за warez или нешто така, но ОК, нема везе, го знаев ова, ОК, чудно ми беше, но до некаде, и прави логика (као демек „го лечи“ програмот, хахахахаха ;D ;D ;D). Како и да е, не е тоа смешната работа ;D. Симнувам еден програм и сега барам да го најдам каде е крак фолдерот, да видам како треба да се аплицира кракот. Барај, барај, никаде не можев да најдам кракот, отвори еден фолдер, отвори друг, никаде го нема ;D. Барај фолдер со име "crack", "tabletka", нема таков фолдер ;D. И си викам „пу да му е*ам мајката, кај к*р е краков“ ;D, и така почнав да го отварам секој фолдер во root директориумот, пратам имиња на секој од фолдерите, и наеднаш забележувам, името на еден од фолдерите е "aspirin"... хахахахахахахаха ;D ;D ;D... е тука веќе не можев ;D, готово ;D, паднав од смеење, хахахахахахаха ;D ;D ;D.

Е ако не ставам име на крак фолдер "diazepam" еве на... хахахахахахахаха ;D ;D ;D.
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."