Author Topic: Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1  (Read 1090 times)

Offline donis92

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Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1
« Opened on 09.01.2012, Monday, 21:05:01 »
Се уклучува го јавува делл логото пишува Press F2 а потоа одма пишува
Alert! Cover was previosly removed? Нз што може да биде дали има решение или не,? јас му ја извадив батеријата, ама незнам дали има некој џампер да го ресетира цемосот поима неам што му е

Offline Devil

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Одг: Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1
« Reply #1 on 09.01.2012, Monday, 21:57:16 (Edited 09.01.2012, Monday, 22:00:08) »
па најверојатно имаш некој прекинувач или слично кој ти го уклучува ова
види дали кај батеријата има нешто место каде би можело да стое некој прекинувач, џампер или слично
дали ова го виде

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Jас не сум себичен, помагам. Помагај и ти !

Секоја куќа си има свои куќни правила.Почитувај ги куќните правила!

Offline donis92

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Одг: Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1
« Reply #2 on 09.01.2012, Monday, 22:27:22 »
веќе видено-пробано небива :( :(

Offline GigaWatt

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Одг: Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1
« Reply #3 on 10.01.2012, Tuesday, 00:09:43 »
Влези во BIOS-от и направи disable на case open alarm/notification ;).
It's not schizophrenia... It's just a voice in my head...

"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

Offline donis92

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Одг: Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1
« Reply #4 on 10.01.2012, Tuesday, 01:07:05 (Edited 10.01.2012, Tuesday, 01:33:43) »
па а нема таа опција а барав барав и нешто слично по нет, да видам до што е а мора да се упрај до утре од продавница е ??? ??? ???

Споено мислење: 10.01.2012, Tuesday, 01:33:43
Alert! Cover was previously removed.
If the computer cover is removed while the intrusion monitor is set to EnabledSilent, the setting changes to Detected, but the alert message is not displayed during
the boot sequence at the next system start-up.
If the intrusion monitor is set to Disabled, no intrusion monitoring occurs and no messages are displayed.
To reset the Detected setting, enter the System Setup program during the system’s
power-on self-test (POST). At the Chassis Intrusion option, press any edit key to
reset the setting, and then choose Enabled, Enabled-Silent, or Disabled.
NOTE: When the setup password is enabled, the setup password is required to reset
the Chassis Intrusion option.

сигурно е овоа? ама пошто слабо енглески еден збор преведи 10скокни и така

Offline batka

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Одг: Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1
« Reply #5 on 10.01.2012, Tuesday, 01:33:48 »
Прочитај нешто за тоа тука.мислам дека има

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Offline donis92

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Одг: Проблем со Dell Optiplex GX-1
« Reply #6 on 10.01.2012, Tuesday, 01:38:24 »
Dell OptiPlex GX1, GXA, and Earlier Dell OptiPlex Computers

Shut down, and then restart the computer.
Press the <F2> key to enter the computer Setup screen or press the <Ctrl> + <ALT> + <Delete> key combination to enter the computer Setup screen.
Press the <Down Arrow> key to select Chassis Intrusion.
Press the <Right Arrow> key or the  <Left Arrow> as appropriate to change the Chassis Intrusion option to one of the following options:

Enabled - This option resets the Alert! Cover was previously removed message. This option is designed for use in a managed environment. Use this option to generate an Alert! Cover was previously removed message when the computer cover is removed. Additionally, Detected appears next to Chassis Intrusion on the System Security screen when the computer cover is removed.

Enabled-Silent - This option is similar to the Enabled option. However, when the Enable-Silent option is selected, an Alert! Cover was previously removed message does not appear when the computer cover is removed. If the computer cover is removed, Detected appears next to Chassis Intrusion on the System Security screen.

Disabled - This option disables the generation of an Alert! Cover was previously removed message when the computer cover is removed. Additionally, when this option is selected, Detected no longer appears next to Chassis Intrusion when the computer cover is removed. This option may be suitable for use in an environment where it does not matter whether the computer cover is removed.

Press the <Esc> key to exit the Setup screen, use the <Arrow> keys to select Save Changes and Exit, and then press the <Enter> key.

Средено еве го вистинското!  :) :) :) сепак колеги фала на помошта