Author Topic: Перална машина Philips Whirlpool AWG335  (Read 3180 times)

Offline toni_pl

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Перална машина Philips Whirlpool AWG335
« Opened on 16.03.2015, Monday, 11:17:36 (Edited 16.03.2015, Monday, 13:55:36) »
Дали някой може да помогне със схема за тази машина и ръководство за експлоатация?
Предварително благодаря!

Offline GigaWatt

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Некоја од овие да не е?

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"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

Offline toni_pl

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Одг: Перална машина Philips Whirlpool AWG335
« Reply #2 on 16.03.2015, Monday, 15:33:03 (Edited 21.03.2015, Saturday, 15:07:43) »
GigaWatt едно голямо БЛАГОДАРЯ ! Втория линк е това което ми трябва! Когато я ремонтирам ще пиша пак.

GigaWatt едно големо благодарам! Вториот линк е тоа што ми треба! Кога ке ја поправам ќе пишам пак!

Offline GigaWatt

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Нема проблем ;).
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

Offline toni_pl

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Одг: Перална машина Philips Whirlpool AWG335
« Reply #4 on 17.03.2015, Tuesday, 09:47:44 (Edited 18.03.2015, Wednesday, 23:22:25) »
Повредата бе в платката за управление на оборотите на двигателяVМашината вече работи.
Някой да ли може да помогне с инструкция за експлоатация?

Offline GigaWatt

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Е ова, малку потешко ;D.

Почесто се бараат service manuals, не user manuals. Побарај на youtube, можно е да најдеш за тој или за некој сличен модел некој клип кој објаснува како се работи со машината за перење ;).
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

Offline batka

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Па Гига веројатно човекот  те насети дека си *домаќински*тип,кој можеби и пере дома,а можеби имаш и Philips Whirlpool AWG335 дома. 8) Никогаш не се знае! ;D ;D

Offline toni_pl

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    Батка, само прашав дали некој може да помогне.

Offline batka

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Е,извини колега, опаската се однесуваше на Гига Ват. 8) Си знае тој зошто! ;D

Offline GigaWatt

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Јас не сконтав, ама нема везе ;D.
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."