Author Topic: Single Layer Air-Core Coil Inductance Calculator 1.05  (Read 1248 times)

Offline GigaWatt

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Single Layer Air-Core Coil Inductance Calculator 1.05
« Opened on 06.06.2011, Monday, 00:44:02 (Edited 10.06.2013, Monday, 17:44:59) »
Еве едно интересно програмче за пресметка на бројот на навивки на калемите со воздушни јадра ;).

"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"Newton's third law: The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind."

Offline Malecko

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Супер програмче гига! :)

П.С. Бојан гарант ќе те части пиво за ова ;D

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