Author Topic: „Off line“ драјвер за сплит трафо  (Read 988 times)

Offline Malecko

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„Off line“ драјвер за сплит трафо
« Opened on 15.01.2011, Saturday, 21:17:29 (Edited 15.01.2011, Saturday, 21:51:53) »
Еве една шема за off line драјвер,за сплит трафо.Овој драјвер уште не сум го направил бидејќи имав проблем,незнаев како треба да се направи гејт драјв трансформаторот (GDT),ама добро и тој го направив,лесно било :D,втора работа скапи се транзисторите а и треба некој бајаааги дебел и голем ладилник за нив. ;D


Tранзисторите G.P(General purpose transistors) тие се нај обични 2N3904 и 2N3906

Quote from: Иноваторот
Off-Line Flyback Driver (The wall’s the limit)

Running power through multiple transformers just to power another transformer seems a bit absurd, so I though it was time for a direct mains powered flyback driver. This driver rectifies mains and produces a 320V DC source. The circuitry from the TL494  to the GDT creates alternating pulses for the IRFP450s at any desired frequency and duty cycle. The IRFP450 half-bridge feeds a square wave at +/- 160V to the flyback primary. 160V at considerable current, stepped up to some kV and mA produces some impressive arcs. The driver itself is my "multipurpose inverter". Contrary to the 555 drivers this driver provides actual AC to the primary, and due to DC flybacks being half-wave rectified you'll likely have problems with saturation regardless. I've run DC flybacks offline several times, but they have all failed eventually, and they cause the driver to heat up. Unrectified AC flybacks are much more suitable for this driver, and cause very little heating of the mosfets. See my article on making HV transformers for details.

The frequency and number of turns are a matter of tweaking and design, but for safe testing 30 turns and 100kHz have worked fine for a wide selection of flybacks. The main issue here is saturation of the transformer, which prevents the core from becoming further magnetized. Practically speaking, it means the transformer inductance will drop suddenly when saturation occurs, causing incredible current draw from the inverter and most often destroying it. (Or with my multi-inverter, simply tripping the OC protection.) I've put a calculator in the multipurpose inverter spreadsheet for determining the minimum number of turns required to achieve a specific flux density. Use 0.25T as a starting point if you don't know the saturation flux value of the core.

Since you won’t be running the flyback transformer in flyback mode anymore you can remove the air gap to decrease the idle current drawn. Remove the metal bracket, and pull the core halves out. In-between the core halves is a thin plastic spacer which creates the air gap.

Eве слики од неговиот драјвер:

Quote from: Иноваторот
Some interesting things to do with HV arcs are coloring them with salts, or making magnet vortexes. Common table salt will give red/orange arcs, and boric acid will give green arcs. Check the Internet for flame tests to see which salts will give which colors. The effect is hard to capture since the camera saturates and can't see the green color. Arcs drawn with boric acid are much brighter than usual, and are uncomfortable to look at even with sun glasses on. Arcs drawn with salt (or iron, I'm not sure which is causing the arcs to change appearance) on the other hand, are actually pleasing to look at as they are dimmer than usual. Of course, coloring plasma with salts in more impressive with Tesla coils, since they aren't as bright.

Последниот драјвер... ;) :D

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Offline Bojan

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твое масло ова??? и како го направи GDT трафото, или од кај го најде???
Теоријата е ,кога се знае се,а ништо не функционира.Праксата е кога се функционира ,а не се знае зошто.Ние во Македонија успешно ја спојуваме теоријата и праксата ,при што ништо не функционира и никој не знае зошто!!!
(позајмено од batka)

Offline Malecko

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твое масло ова??? и како го направи GDT трафото, или од кај го најде???
Не,јас уште не сум го направил збирам пари сега па тек после ќе го правам,иначе на листа ми е ;D.Тоа GDT-то,го правев според инфо од друг драјвер,„универзален“ што е,треба на обичен феритен прстен некој по широк и по тесен,да се намотаат 12 намотки,со три жици ама споени,нешто како флет кабел ама жиците да бидат што подебели и така 12 намотки,распоредени рамномерно и после две жици накај едниот MOSFET,две накај другиот MOSFET и другите две одат накај осцилаторот,или накај тие транзисторчињата... :D ако не укапира кажи...
If you're good at something, never do it for free... -Joker