Author Topic: И високите фрекфенции имаат свои предности  (Read 1355 times)

Offline DX-er

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    • Докажи дека си човек и речи стоп за убиствата на бебиња! Ако не си човек, требало и тебе да те абортираат :)
Се работи за комуникација меѓу рудари во окно, со тие што се надвор. Пробале да комуницираат со VHF радио станици, но немале успех да се слушнат па се сетиле да го направат експериментот со WiFi рутер на врвот на окното и паметни телефони со инсталирана Zello апликација.
Кога успеале да се слушнат на 106m биле многу изненадени.

Целиот текст на англиски јазик:

Zello Works Where Traditional Radios Fail
By Nancy on April 22, 2016

Last week, we got a very nice note from a member of the San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Cave and Technical Rescue Team (, He explained how Zello was used in a recent search and rescue (SAR) mission. They were looking for possible human remains located in a mine shaft about 400 feet deep. When they lowered a person with a VHF radio down the shaft to investigate, the team on top realized they could not communicate with the person down in the shaft. The opening was too small relative to the wavelength of the radios, and their VHF radios were useless in that environment.

Since the team knew Zello worked with WiFi, and they had already established a WiFi hotspot on top, the team decided to try a little experiment. They decided to try Zello instead. They were surprised to find that it worked flawlessly! By lowering the person with a smartphone and Zello installed, he was able to maintain communication with the entire team.

“Amazingly we were able to maintain contact to about the 350 foot level. I was astonished! This is not an RF-friendly environment.”

We love hearing stories like this from our users. If you’ve had a similar experience where Zello saved the day when radios failed, drop us a line! Here are a couple pictures of that SAR mission:

Team at top of mine shaft

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